Auto Accidents & Work Injuries in Saskatoon

person having shoulder adjustedIf you’ve experienced an auto accident or you’ve been injured at work, chiropractic adjustments complement your healing journey by removing joint disturbances in your spine that may be preventing a speedy recovery.

Even if you were injured a while ago, adjustments can still work to support your spine and your soft tissues.

Auto Accident Care

In a car accident, the rapid movement your body goes through can jar the body and set up a very complex, injured state of the spine and supporting soft tissues. One of Dr. Swystun’s strengths is helping people to coordinate and navigate the different avenues they can take to heal from such injuries.

Early visits are key when it comes to the damage that can exist after an accident in the spinal connections or joints. If those underlying issues in the connections are not addressed, the body cannot heal as quickly or properly from the auto injury.

Uncorrected, those injuries can set the stage for future complications. As time passes and we experience different life stressors and tensions, we are vulnerable to succumb to those stressors.

Work-Related Injuries

Just like auto accident injuries, work-related injuries can cause damage to your spinal connections through joint misalignments and other soft-tissue problems. Often this occurs through overexertion, repetitive movement, lifting, and twisting of the body. If your underlying joint connections are not addressed, it will hamper your ability to recover fully.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments for auto and work-related accidents, Dr. Swystun will also refer patients out for physical and massage therapies to complement his Activator Methods® adjustments. If X-rays are necessary, you will be referred out for those at your convenience.

What to Know About Your Appointment

Your appointment at Freedom Chiropractic following an auto or work accident will be similar to a regular appointment. You do need to inform SGI of your injury, as well as your damage to your vehicle, in cases of auto accidents. And with work accidents, you must contact WCB and your employer about the injury. Direct billing is available for auto injuries and work-related injuries.

Get on the Healing Path Today

If you are having pain and discomfort following an accident, contact us right away to set up your first appointment. You don’t need to suffer in silence; we can help!


Auto Accidents & Work Injuries Saskatoon SK | (306) 665-8008