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Micro-Traumas & Chronic Low Back Pain Relief in Saskatoon

man with back painIt’s one of the top reasons why people seek chiropractic care—low back pain (LBP) is an all-too-common issue that can make daily life challenging, from tackling household chores to sitting comfortably at work. In fact, the World Health Organization identifies LBP as the leading cause of disability worldwide.

Chronic low back pain can be brought about for several reasons. Sometimes, it seemingly happens “out of the blue” while doing normal, everyday activities. This is commonly what we call a repetitive stress injury. This type of injury is a micro-trauma (a very small injury) that happens in the tissues when subjected to the same force or motion over an extended period.

What Causes Micro-Traumas?

Most micro-traumas happen to those who repetitively carry/push/pull heavy loads, drive, bend, or twist with improper form or poor posture. The body tissues are damaged when strained beyond their capabilities.

Think about your daily movements. Are you mindful of your posture when:

  • Carrying a laundry basket?
  • Twisting to load the dryer?
  • Sitting or standing at your desk?
  • Driving for extended periods?

Even small, repetitive habits can have a major impact over time.

Why Does Low Back Pain Feel Sudden?

Micro-traumas often go unnoticed at first, causing only brief discomfort that seems to resolve quickly. However, over time, these minor injuries add up, leading to muscle tightness and changes in posture. This is what we call an “antalgic” posture, which goes hand-in-hand with chronic LBP.

How to Relieve and Prevent Discomfort

If poor posture and the affected tissues are not corrected, the stress on the body will continue to accumulate in a cycle of continual posture and pain patterns. Here are three simple things you can do to help reverse your low back pain and protect your body from future injury:

  • Postural exercises: Stretch and strengthen your muscles to correct poor posture.
  • Chiropractic care: Maintain joint mobility and improve body mechanics.
  • Healthy habits: Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet to support tissue repair.

Real Relief Starts Here

Chronic LBP doesn’t have to keep you from living your life to the fullest. Freedom Chiropractic provides customized chiropractic care to help you get relief and move with confidence. Contact us today to book an appointment.


Burns, K., & Wade, M. (2018). The Posture Principles. Great Britain: Rethink Press.

Haraldson, S. J., & Blasko, B. J. (2005-2025). Repetitive Motion Injuries. WebMD Fitness & Exercise.

Sabbath, E. L., Glymour, M. M., Descatha, A., Leclerc, A., Zins, M., Goldberg, M., & Berkman, L. F. (2013). Biomechanical and psychosocial occupational exposures: Joint predictors of post-retirement functional health in the French GAZEL cohort. Advances in Life Course Research, 235-243.

World Health Organization. (2023, June 19). Low Back Pain. Retrieved from World Health Organization:

Micro-Traumas & Chronic Low Back Pain Relief Saskatoon SK | (306) 665-8008